Ride the Waves Inc. is a new up and coming Alternative Therapy Center specializing in Dry Hydrotherapy, Sound Therapy and Energy Healing (Chakra), providing a holistic alternative to the doctor’s office or traditional massage spa.
Our intent is to improve the mental and physical well-being of anyone ages 10 & up. Whether you suffer from PTSD, muscle aches, insomnia, autism or any other health or behavioral issues, or for those seeking alternatives to pain pills, Ride the Waves Inc. is the place to be! This therapy is also for those just in need of a relaxing massage, sound therapy, or a few minutes to align your chakras. RTW Inc.’s unique feature is that it has combined the massage, sound and chakra therapy industries. With that said, there are companies who do offer similar services but most massage therapist do not offer sound or chakra therapy and that makes a company like RTW Inc. stand out, - with the risks highlighted by the current pandemic and the potential future need for social distancing, this makes the self-service therapy industry a better alternative to traditional methods involving physical contact making this an even more growing industry.
Add Ons: Aromatherapy; Crystal Chips; Mats
Dream Sound*